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History of Timonium Presbyterian Church (TPC)

Our History

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In the late 1960s, several believers with a historic Presbyterian background believed that God was calling them to form a church on the growing edge of Baltimore City. They desired to bring Christ and His Church to the rapidly expanding areas of metropolitan Baltimore and to provide a place of worship as they served Christ. 


Timonium Presbyterian Church was incorporated on November 28, 1969 and held its first service January 4, 1970, at Pinewood Elementary School in Timonium. The church’s charter membership was 150. In April 1970, the congregation became affiliated with the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod, (RPC/ES).  


In April of 1971, the Reverend Arthur L. Herries began his ministry as TPC’s first pastor. Worship services were held at Pinewood Elementary School for 2-1/2 years before the Church was relocated to its present site on Timonium Road.


Groundbreaking was held on August 8, 1971 and the cornerstone was laid on October 22, 1971. The first service was held on October 29, 1972, and the building was dedicated to the glory of God on November 19, 1972.


TPC joined the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 1982 and celebrated 50 years of ministry on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 2019. We praise God for His faithfulness over His Church here in Timonium and around the world. By His Grace, and for His Glory. 

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